PGR management in farmers seed network in Europe and China

EC-LLD recently participated in an online event hosted by Pro Specie Rara, one of our members, to welcome a Chinese delegation at their headquarters in Switzerland. Our members Arche Noah and Reseau Semences Paysannes also attended the event This was a significant step in our ongoing efforts to strengthen international collaboration and exchange knowledge on biodiversity and sustainable agriculture.

About the Delegation

The delegation comprised representatives from prominent Chinese organizations dedicated to agricultural sustainability and biodiversity including:

Farmers’ Seed Network (FSN), founded in 2013, focuses on participatory research on agrobiodiversity and natural resource management. FSN operates in over 40 rural communities across 14 provinces, promoting seed conservation, sustainable utilization, and community-based biodiversity management. Their initiatives include community seed banks, participatory crop improvement, and ecological plant breeding programs. They also facilitate collaborations between farmers and scientists to enhance seed systems and improve livelihoods. Recently, FSN has established three multi-stakeholder platforms to promote in-situ conservation of agrobiodiversity and launched projects in partnership with UNEP to co-promote ecosystem-based adaptation strategies. Find out more on their website.


Foodthink, established in 2017, is an advocacy organization addressing industrialization and environmental/social issues in agriculture. Foodthink offers insights into transformations in food production and consumption and runs initiatives such as Agroecology Internship Programs, Small-Grant Programs, and Stakeholder Forums. Their work includes documenting food systems changemakers and policy advocacy. Recently, Foodthink has blocked national regulations unfavorable to small-scale farmers and continues to support sustainable grassroots food and agricultural initiatives. Find out more on their website.

Chinese Farmers’ Seed Network

During the event, Dr. Yiching Song presented the extensive work of FSN. She highlighted their implementation of community-based biodiversity conservation and sustainable agricultural practices since 2000. Dr. Song detailed how FSN has established about 120 community seed banks in 11 provinces, promoting the conservation and sustainable use of local seed diversity.

Here is a video on their work with English subtitles:

The FSN China is planning to attend the 13th Let’s Liberate Diversity Forum! at the International Gathering “Sow Your Resistance” in Antibes from the 1st to the 5th of October. This will represent another important opportunity to strengthen the engagement of our community with other realities working across the globe and foster exchanges. If you haven’t registered yet for the LLD Forum and the International gathering, do it as soon as possible to secure your place: Register here.