DIVERSEEDPATHS - Seeds and migrants

Aegilops, Réseau Semences Paysannes and Let’s Liberate Diversity! implement DIVERSEEDPATHS,to foster resilience and inclusivity by facilitating knowledge exchange and cooperation between migrant communities and agricultural biodiversity organizations.


Our journey towards cultivating resilient and inclusive communities through the lens of agricultural biodiversity and seed co-evolution is about to begin…JOIN US!


Seeds4all textile industry

Credit: Ken Lambert / The Seattle Times

Project objective

The project aims to foster resilient and inclusive communities by facilitating knowledge exchange between migrant communities and agricultural stakeholders. It seeks to preserve migrant communities’ expertise on seed selection, conservation, and utilization, while promoting collaboration with European organizations to enhance food system diversity and resilience.

Specific objectives include promoting equitable exchanges of knowledge (SO1) and fostering actions to combat climate change (SO2).

This involves connecting migrant communities with European institutions and engaging small-scale operators at local levels, with a focus on inclusivity and collaboration. Additionally, the project aims to increase awareness of climate change strategies and stimulate action among citizens, farmers, and seed savers.

Plants have always developed strategies for moving around, occupying other areas and exploring places. 

Cultivated biodiversity is the result of co-evolution between humans and plants from the wild over several millennia.

The idea was to bring together members of local farmers’ organisations who work with migrant communities.

Project activities 

We will conduct various activities, such as workshops involving migrant organizations and agrobiodiversity stakeholders, gathering and sharing seed stories, hosting ecological gardening festivals, providing training on Community Seed Banks, climate change, and resilience, organizing significant international meetings on seeds and migration, and enhancing understanding of European Seed Policy and Legislation through capacity building

FAO seeds

Upcoming Events 


Volos, 18-19 May 2024 

Festival for traditional seed and ecological gardening.

With an expected participation of over 150 individuals, the “Seed and Ecological Gardening” festival in Volos will bring together diverse voices, stories, and cultures. It will serve as a vibrant celebration of seeds, migration, and the enduring connections between people, their traditions, and the agricultural practices that sustain them.


Thessaloniki, 7th July 2024 (TBC)

Aegilops will host a dynamic workshop in Thessaloniki, a city renowned for its historical significance as a cultural crossroads in the Balkans. This workshop will serve as a platform for multifaceted discussions, with a particular focus on the rich multicultural tapestry of biodiversity. Additionally, it will explore the social dimensions of migration in relation to food sovereignty, all while curating a collection of migration seed stories.


Antibes, France 30th Sept- 6th Oct 2024

Bring together practitioners, farmers, gardeners and seed artisans from all over the world to regain the knowledge and know-how associated with seeds and build links, alliances and projects between practitioners of cultivated biodiversity in the diverse regions of the world.

Resources developed & Links

STAY TUNED! The project has just started and ends in March 2025. To stay in touch subscribe to our ECLLD News! at this link at www.liberatediversity.org/newsletter

Here are the information on the E+ portal: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/2023-2-EL01-KA210-ADU-000180927


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.