DiverSeedPath – A New Perspective on Network and Exchange: The Traditional Seed and Ecological Gardening Festival in Volos, Greece

May 24, 2024 | News, Seed Networks, Seed Savers


The Traditional Seed and Ecological Gardening Festival, held in Stagiates Village, Volos, Greece, on May 18th and 19th, was a remarkable event dedicated to exploring people, seeds, and ideas. This festival provided a platform for fostering connections, exchanging knowledge, and inspiring action. As a partner of the EU Erasmus+ project DiverSeedPaths, ECLLD participated with the aim of strengthening networks and promoting exchange among diverse communities.


Sharing Stories of Seeds and Migration:

On the first day of the festival, an engaging storytelling workshop took place. This workshop created an opportunity for individuals to share their personal stories about migration, seeds, and human solidarity. It was a key moment to hear how immigrants carry not only their physical seeds but also their “cultural seeds,” which encompass memories, knowledge, ideas, and personal narratives. By sharing these stories within a supportive community setting, participants learned from each other about the connections between seeds and migrants, from the epistemic (the word for exile in Turkish also means seedling) to practical approaches of people bringing seeds and cultivating new varieties which are now part of a culture co-developed across communities.

This connection between migrants and seed savers has opened up new perspectives regarding cultivated diversity and locally adapted crops. Furthermore, it has offered interesting insights on how to create stronger networks across different movements, with seeds becoming a symbol of solidarity.

Seed Saving Practices:

On the second day of the festival, seed savers from Greece (AEGILOPS & SITO) joined forces with European organizations such as ECLLD and RSP to exchange experiences related to seed saving practices, resilience and the deeper driver of migrations with migrants, farmers, gardeners, and local citizens or visitors. The highlight of this day included valuable discussions on “The Anthropogeography of Peoples, Seeds, and Ideas” These discussions enabled migrant-refugee organizations and diverse community movements dedicated to common goods such as water quality and dynamic growth to interact, broaden perspectives, and strengthen resilient, inclusive societies. These interactions help investigating the root drivers of migrations and recognizing the experience, knowledge and potential for innovation that these communities bring with them as cultural seeds.


Plants & Local Products:

In addition to fostering connections between different communities and enlarging perspectives, the event also provided practical benefits. Participants had access to nursery plants featuring traditional vegetable varieties. Local growers offered organic products derived from traditional varieties. Additionally, vibrant local cuisine delighted visitors who sampled diverse quality foods during their time at the festival. Special thanks are extended to Apo.Drasis (a local village group located in Pelion) and Stagiates Village’s citizens for extending hospitality throughout this memorable occasion. The involvement and contributions made by organizations like Volos Immigrants’ Center, the French organization EKO (Project Positive Actions for Humans & Nature), and other political, economic, and environmental immigrant entities greatly enriched this gathering by sharing unique stories and experiences.


Overall, the Traditional Seed and Ecological Gardening Festival held in Volos, Greece, served as a catalyst for building bridges, reinforcing contacts, and promoting collaboration among individuals from various backgrounds. Its focus on migration, social movements, solidarity, and inspiration opened up new perspectives regarding humanity’s relationship with both the environment and each other. Communities emerged stronger, enlightened, and inspired, moving forward together toward inclusive societies that effectively tackle the root causes leading people away from home. Furthermore, this event showcased practical solutions through seed saving practices, nursery plants, and local products that promote sustainability. This celebration will undoubtedly leave its mark, paving the way for future initiatives that foster sharing, knowledge transfer, and collective actions aimed at shaping our world into one rooted in resilience, hope, and unity.

Looking Ahead

Inspired by the success of this inaugural event, the DiverSeedPaths project is enthusiastic about organizing a new workshop in Thessaloniki on June 7th. This upcoming workshop aims to continue building networks, exchanging ideas, and fostering actions around seeds and migration. If you are interested in participating or learning more, please contact us at info@liberatediversity.org.
