Cereals, renaissance in the field!

Apr 5, 2020 | Agrobiodiversity

Farmers, scientists, bakers and processors, local communities, discerning consumers: the protagonists of a movement that has embraced a major challenge, that of changing agricultural practice. By carrying out research and innovation starting from the valorisation of the precious knowledge of those who have always worked the land and processed its products.

In recent years, many farmers and agronomists have been bringing back local varieties of cereals that were disappearing to make way for a few commercial varieties, all the same, homogeneous, uniform, and suitable for large-scale industrial processing.

Local varieties, on the contrary, are different, selected over the centuries in different climates and adapted to different soils and food uses. Today, their recovery and then selection in the field, carried out jointly by those with growing experience and those who know how to analyse them from a genetic and chemical point of view, opens the door to a wide diversity of products and new local supply chains.