
  • Fulya Batur
    Fulya Batur
    Consultant, facilitator and trainer

    Fulya Batur – Consultant, facilitator and trainer specialising in international environmental law, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources, access and benefit-sharing legislation, intellectual property rights, seed laws and agricultural policy

  • Ilsa Phillips



Other Organizers

European Coordination Let's Liberate Diversity!
European Coordination Let's Liberate Diversity!


Thomas Davis Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College
Thomas Davis Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College


Oct 27 2023


11:40 am – 1:30 pm

Capacity building on EU seed law marketing reform (Liveseeding)

Main objective of the workshop

This training of trainers and capacity-building workshop focuses on the EU seed legislation, with a particular emphasis on the Seed Marketing Reform. The workshop is designed to provide participants with a understanding of the reform and equip them with the tools to effectively engage with it. The agenda comprises two main components: an informative frontal session followed by a participatory session conducting a SWOT analysis related to the reform.

  • Introduction to LiveSeeding Project:
    • Set the stage for the workshop by introducing the LiveSeeding project and its objectives.
    • Contextualize the importance of the organic seed sector within the project’s scope.
    • Highlight the relevance of the project’s Work Package (WP) on “organic seed market transparency” in relation to ongoing policy developments.
  • Presentation of EU Seed Marketing Reform:
    • Delve into the details of the EU Seed Marketing Reform, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of its implications.
  • Question & Answer Session:
    • Engage participants in a Q&A session to address any queries or clarifications they may have regarding the reform.
  • Short Break:
    • Allow participants to recharge and network during a brief break.
  • Collective SWOT Analysis/Discussion:
    • Facilitate a participatory SWOT analysis related to the Seed Marketing Reform, encouraging participants to collectively assess its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
    • Foster open and constructive discussions among participants to gain diverse insights and perspectives.
  • Wrap-Up:
    • Summarize the key takeaways from the SWOT analysis and discussions.

Questions for Audience Discussion:

  • What are the most significant questions or uncertainties that remain regarding the proposal after the workshop?
  • Identify areas where clarity is still needed, or aspects of the reform that remain unclear or require further examination.