The Via Campesina stated in a press release “The Parliament and Council cannot adopt a law that goes against scientific opinion and, what’s more, unworkable in practice. They must therefore demand a clarification of this scientific controversy before resuming their work.”
The European Coordination of the movement pointed out that no official European agency was asked to give an opinion on the scientific relevance of the Commission’s proposal on new GMOs. French ANSES was the only agency independently to look into the matter and they questioned its scienfic basis. Therefore, ECVC called on the European Parliament and the European Council to suspend their examination of the GMO-NTG deregulation proposal, also in view of the lack of consensus about patenting in the Council of the EU.
Read the ECVC January 2024 press release.
More on the position of the Via Campesina on the EU Commission proposal on new GMOs:
ECVC November 2023 statement on new GMOs and patents.
ECVC October 2023 call for rejection of the EU Commission proposal on plant reproductive material.