Strengthen and Enlarging the European Coordination - LLD network WHAT'S THE GOAL OF THE PROJECT Financed by a private foundation, the objective of SEE_ECLLD project is to strengthen and support EC-LLD, enlarging its functionality and impact at European level....
Community Seed Bank Academy
Community seed banks have been founded since the early 1980th in many parts of the world. WHAT ARE COMMUNITY SSED BANKS? CSB Etiopia Community seed banks have been founded since the early 1980th in many parts of the world. CSB in Europe are mostly based on seed...
GenRes Bridge
GenRes Bridge aims to strengthen conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources (GenRes). CONTEXT Genetic resources refer to genetic material of plant, animal or microbial origin of actual or potential value, such as a medicinal plant, agricultural crop,...
ECLLD participates as a partner in the H2020 Dynaversity project, below the description from AIM AND SCOPE DYNAVERSITY analyses and describes the actors involved in plant genetic conservation for agriculture in order to suggest management...
Seeding Europe
Arche Noah, Kybele and Let's Liberate Diversity! implemented SEEDING EU, to reinforce the capacity of associations and individuals working to conserve and increase seed diversity to understand and monitor the public policies that impact the conservation and use of...