An international petition to support biodiversity in the fields for fairer and more sustainable food systems needs your support: please sign and share!
New paper on the possible deregulation of GMO in EU
This report looks at the possible implications and
consequences of the proposed deregulation of certain genetically
modified (GM) plants
EU Seed reform under scrutiny: Unpacking criticisms and concerns from ECLLD members
Discussions on the New EU Seed Regulation – Perspectives from ECLLD’s Members
Let’s Liberate Diversity (ECLLD) at the 19th Regular Session of the Commission of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) at FAO
ECLLD at the Session on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture at FAO
FAQ on Organic Rules
DG AGRI published a FAQ on Organic Rules with a section devoted to plant propagation material
Joint Letter to the European Commission on the EU Seed Marketing Legislation
Cultivated diversity advocates write joint letter to the European Commission ahead of the EU Seed Marketing Legislation reform proposal
Genetic engeneering endangers the protection of species
In view of the upcoming EU proposal of updated rules on plants produced with New Genomic Techniques (NGTs, NBTs), Test Biotech released in 2020 report: “Genetic engeneering endangers the protection of species”.
Organic seed and breeding sector: stakeholder survey
The EU project Liveseeding is looking for input from current and prospective organic seed producers and traders in order to identify which obstacles are in the way of the horizontal proliferation (scale-out) and scale-up of organic seed and cultivar testing in the EU.
Report “The Right to Seeds in Africa” published
The Geneva Academy, together with policy research think thank The South Center, Swissaid and CROPS4HD, released a new report on UPOV and UNDROP by the title: The Right To Seeds In Africa.
Which seeds for a just transition to agroecological and sustainable food systems?
MEPs Martin Häusling and Sarah Wiener MEP, in collaboration with diversity advocates Arche Noah, organised a presentation for the political study ‘Which seeds for a just transition to agroecological and sustainable food systems?’ in connection with the ongoing EU reform of seeds marketing rules. Members of ECLLD sat on the panel to discuss the future of seed diversity.