A tutorial on the new EU Organic Heterogeneous Material (OHM) regime is available to enable new operators to enter this exciting market for agrobiodiversity
Taking action together for a better EU Seed Law
A useful advocacy package from Arche Noah, it includes slides and recordings from the November 23 workshop, a position paper and a section on the website
Major philanthropies urge massive scale up of agroecology and regenerative approach. An opportunity demanding scrutiny.
Can this financial influx truly drive positive change, or might it inadvertently support questionable practices under the guise of agroecology? The need for transparent, accountable, and community-driven initiatives is paramount to avoid the pitfalls of appropriation.
Policymakers should respect the organic movement’s choice on NGTs
Read more on the organic sector position against NGTs and their appeal to MEPs and Member States to regulate these new GMOs.
FAO State of Food and Agriculture 2023
The FAO report on the State of Food and Agriculture 2023 focusses on True Cost Accounting for food system transformation, offering national-level assessments for 154 countries.
Open Letter: Serious concerns about the EU Commission proposal on New Genomic Techniques
Where are we with New Genomic Techniques? State of the art and dates of policy processes in Brussels
Farmers’ Rights: a new online resource
A new resource on Farmers’ Rights and ITPGRFA is available online
Le mouvement européen des semences lance un appel : Levons nos fourchettes pour la diversité !
Une nouvelle pétition internationale demande aux institutions de l’UE de revoir la proposition de règlement sur les semences
Let’s raise our forks for diversity!
An international petition to support biodiversity in the fields for fairer and more sustainable food systems needs your support: please sign and share!
Réseau Semences Paysannes: 20th anniversary celebrations
The Réseau Semences Paysannes celebrated its 20th anniversary at the end of September 2023. Members got the opportunity to have their say on the future of the network.